Sunday, July 15, 2007

3d view v.1


This is how we envisioned our new house.
I did the drawings in excel, cause that is the software I can work with.
We gave those basic ideas, to which we want to stick more than less, to a young designer in Shtip and we are currently working together with him to develop the final design.

google earth view

land with a view

buy land, they are not making it anymore...

Saturday, July 14, 2007


At the beginning of this year (07), we decided that we need a larger wohnung. Fortunately after some critical thinking we realized that it is much better to build a house of 200 m2 than to buy a slightly larger flat that the one we currently own (60m2). We started to scout the outskirts of Skopje for a suitable and payable location. We soon sorted out that Sopishte on the southeast of Skopje is the best choice for us. After some two months of intensive search we narrowed down our choice on the parcel 825, which has a great view - on the left overlooking parts of Skopje, and on the right to the peak Solunska Glava 2540m. We reached a agreement with the owner Pance a very reasonable man, a native of Sopishte. Currently we are in the phase of pushing the documentation for the land trough the labyrinths of the local cadastre.